
Czech Founders VC


We help build the next generation of Central European unicorns by:

😍  Attracting

Attracting world-class investors and mentors

💸  Investing

Investing in exceptional founders with global ambitions

🧑🏼‍🎓 Learning

Enabling early-stage founders to learn from the best peers


Our focus

This is what we typically invest in.


Pre-seed tickets. Typically €50-350k.

Strong founders

Winning teams willing to put everything into the game.

Go to market

Clear go-to-market strategy with a strong executive team.

CEE Region

Based in Central or Eastern Europe (CEE) & aiming for a global scale.


How it works


First Contact

Typeform, email, personal. We are flexible.


Quick decisions

2-3 meetings. Detailed and honest feedback guaranteed.


Fair Terms

No more than 15% equity, no multiple liquidation preferences, etc.


Founder support

Access to our LPs and mentors to support your startup on the way.


Our managing team

Our portfolio

young startups with global ambitions and strong founders


Our investors / Your mentors

45+ exceptional founders-turned-mentors and investors including:

We answered the call of the largest community of Czech startup founders


CzechFounders.org 'menu'

Czech Founders VC mission is based on the need for a founders-focused investor identified by Czech Founders NGO research. NGO has much more to offer though!

1/ Founder Meetups

Meet-ups of founders with global ambitions. Learning from real-life startup growth experiences, and discussing current challenges.

2/ Education & Inspiration

Founders sharing their practically-proven know-how in fundraising, hiring, growth hacking, international expansion, and other topics critical for company success.

3/ Mastermind Groups

Building a strong bond with a small group of fellow founders that become your advisory, sounding board and personal motivators.

4/ Networking

Meeting other fellow founders and key startup operators, investors and advisors in a bulls**t-free environment.


Now, it's up to you.

Czech Founders VC

© Czech Founders Ventures s.r.o.

Designed with 🖤 in Czechia

Web runs on Notion & Super

📩  hello@czechfounders.vc

Prague office


Salvátorská 931/8

110 00 Staré Město

Prague, Czechia

Bratislava office

Taký ateliér

Dunajská 46, 831 01

Bratislava, Slovakia

Notes & details